
Welcome to my sounding board on TV

I only recently started a list of all the shows I have watched over the years and I was shocked.
I am not even finished yet but the number already is 76.
This doesn't even include shows I gave up on yet.

For example the early seasons of House MD, I loved and enjoyed them really much and not only because I am a Lupus Warrior, no I loved the team but with the newbies it kind of ended for me. 
This blog is going to be about all the shows I love and hate and watch. Also all of my guilty pleasures including One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars and a hell of a lot other shows.

I remember back in the day when we had to wait two or three years to see a season in germany and now they are airing some shows with only half a season in between. For example The Vampire Diaries the Germans are already showing Season 2 and are nearing Tylers transformation. All you americans know that wasn't all that long ago, right?

I guess I have a neck for serialized and thematic shows but over the years I let a lot of them slide when their tone changed. These include CSI and CSI Miami strangely I still follow CSI NY. I really enjoyed the original CSI at the beginning and I loved the Quentin Tarantino episodes; they were scary as hell.

I mean it do you know the feeling when you watch a show and you find out an episode was a season finale afterwards but the episode didn't really feel like a finale? I had that one time only if my memory serves me completely correct. It was the season three finale of ALIAS. I mean do you remember that one? They shoot Lauren and poof. I was dissapointed when I discovered that after buying the DVD's. Season 2 was great and Season 4 was fantastic but 3? Sorry JJ that was horrible but my guess is LOST was so much more important back then. On the subject of LOST, that probably is one of only a few shows I never got into. Not for the lack of trying. I rented Season 1 on DVD and started to watch but it wasn't for me. Why? I really can't say because I usually love a good mystery and I love FRINGE and I also love Undercovers (even if it is cancelled).
Last year I went back to watch all of ER and I fell in love with it all over again. I mean yes there are characters you just love to hate and in the end even Robert Romano was loveable even if Carrie got her revenge in the end. Now I am happy to see Paul McCrane on my screen again as the antgonist in Harry's Law (here is to hoping that that show will last longer then the Whole Truth, a show I truly liked but sadly the rest of you didn't?!)

Well to sum it up I plan on writing my own reviews from time to time and I would love to have guest writers. I am in no way making money of of this and sometimes I will go back and do my TV experiments. Like right now I am trying to figure out why I stopped watching Criminal Intent and am only watching SVU.
Any guesses on that or on any of the 76 shows that are currently on my list or which are still missing?

My harddrives (yes plural) are nearly on full capacity so I may need to buy another one or just outsource.

Hope you enjoy
A Small Screen Addict

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